Create a tbl_svy survey object using sampling design
Create a survey object with a survey design.
as_survey_design(.data, ...)
# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
ids = NULL,
probs = NULL,
strata = NULL,
variables = NULL,
fpc = NULL,
nest = FALSE,
check_strata = !nest,
weights = NULL,
pps = FALSE,
variance = c("HT", "YG"),
# S3 method for class 'survey.design2'
as_survey_design(.data, ...)
# S3 method for class 'tbl_lazy'
ids = NULL,
probs = NULL,
strata = NULL,
variables = NULL,
fpc = NULL,
nest = FALSE,
check_strata = !nest,
weights = NULL,
pps = FALSE,
variance = c("HT", "YG"),
- .data
A data frame (which contains the variables specified below)
- ...
- ids
Variables specifying cluster ids from largest level to smallest level (leaving the argument empty, NULL, 1, or 0 indicate no clusters).
- probs
Variables specifying cluster sampling probabilities.
- strata
Variables specifying strata.
- variables
Variables specifying variables to be included in survey. Defaults to all variables in .data
- fpc
Variables specifying a finite population correct, see
for more details.- nest
, relabel cluster ids to enforce nesting within strata.- check_strata
, check that clusters are nested in strata.- weights
Variables specifying weights (inverse of probability).
- pps
"brewer" to use Brewer's approximation for PPS sampling without replacement. "overton" to use Overton's approximation. An object of class HR to use the Hartley-Rao approximation. An object of class ppsmat to use the Horvitz-Thompson estimator.
- variance
For pps without replacement, use variance="YG" for the Yates-Grundy estimator instead of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator
If provided a data.frame, it is a wrapper
around svydesign
. All survey variables must be included
in the data.frame itself. Variables are selected by using bare column names, or
convenience functions described in select
If provided a survey.design2
object from the survey package,
it will turn it into a srvyr object, so that srvyr functions will work with it
# Examples from ?survey::svydesign
# stratified sample
dstrata <- apistrat %>%
as_survey_design(strata = stype, weights = pw)
# one-stage cluster sample
dclus1 <- apiclus1 %>%
as_survey_design(dnum, weights = pw, fpc = fpc)
# two-stage cluster sample: weights computed from population sizes.
dclus2 <- apiclus2 %>%
as_survey_design(c(dnum, snum), fpc = c(fpc1, fpc2))
## multistage sampling has no effect when fpc is not given, so
## these are equivalent.
dclus2wr <- apiclus2 %>%
dplyr::mutate(weights = weights(dclus2)) %>%
as_survey_design(c(dnum, snum), weights = weights)
dclus2wr2 <- apiclus2 %>%
dplyr::mutate(weights = weights(dclus2)) %>%
as_survey_design(c(dnum), weights = weights)
## syntax for stratified cluster sample
## (though the data weren't really sampled this way)
apistrat %>% as_survey_design(dnum, strata = stype, weights = pw,
nest = TRUE)
#> Stratified 1 - level Cluster Sampling design (with replacement)
#> With (162) clusters.
#> Called via srvyr
#> Sampling variables:
#> - ids: dnum
#> - strata: stype
#> - weights: pw
#> Data variables:
#> - cds (chr), stype (fct), name (chr), sname (chr), snum (dbl), dname (chr),
#> dnum (int), cname (chr), cnum (int), flag (int), pcttest (int), api00
#> (int), api99 (int), target (int), growth (int), sch.wide (fct), comp.imp
#> (fct), both (fct), awards (fct), meals (int), ell (int), yr.rnd (fct),
#> mobility (int), acs.k3 (int), acs.46 (int), acs.core (int), pct.resp (int),
#> not.hsg (int), hsg (int), some.col (int), col.grad (int), grad.sch (int),
#> avg.ed (dbl), full (int), emer (int), enroll (int), api.stu (int), pw
#> (dbl), fpc (dbl)
## PPS sampling without replacement
dpps <- election_pps %>%
as_survey_design(fpc = p, pps = "brewer")
# dplyr 0.7 introduced new style of NSE called quosures
# See `vignette("programming", package = "dplyr")` for details
st <- quo(stype)
wt <- quo(pw)
dstrata <- apistrat %>%
as_survey_design(strata = !!st, weights = !!wt)