Smoking Cohort Explorations - BRFSS data

I’m trying to build a age-period-cohort model of smoking using the various MPC cleaned datasets. Since I have the most experience with BRFSS, I started with just some simple visualizations looking at the data through a cohort lense. Things run a bit slow to use srvyr or survey functions to get estimates of variance, so I’ll just use weighted means and rely on inter-year variability to show the variation (at least for now, for this exploratory work).

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Well, didn’t quite live up to the promise of writing here very often…

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Color Scheme

I spent an embarassingly long time trying to come up with the color scheme for this website. I swear I didn’t realize that it is the default colors for a 2 group graph in ggplot2

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Introducing osmar2

osmar2 is a version of the osmar package (“OpenStreetMap and R”) rewritten to use xml2 package instead of XML, and some other adaptations to allow for much quicker reading of .osm files. It’s available on github.

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The Project

A project that’s been on my mind lately is to make a map of the Twin Cities to hang on the wall. I’ve always thought maps are pretty and the visualization of data feels like a fun way to try to have a more artistic outlet than I’ve traditionally been able to find.

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Why Post Here?

I can tell how much I’m procrastinating actually writing a blog post because of how much time I’ve spent messing around with the appearance of this website, and other fiddly deatils – which is a bummer because they were supposed to be secondary.

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