Allows multiple grouping by multiple variables as if they were a single variable, which allows calculating proportions that sum to 100 more than a single grouping variable with survey_mean.




variables to group by. All types of tbls accept variable names, and most will also accept functions of variables (though some database-backed tbls do not allow creating variables).


A vector of type srvyr_interaction, which is generally expected to be automatically split apart.


Behind the scenes, this function creates a special column type that is split back into the component columns automatically by summarize.


data(api, package = "survey") dstrata <- apistrat %>% as_survey_design(strata = stype, weights = pw) # The sum of the whole prop column is equal to 100% dstrata %>% group_by(interact(stype, awards)) %>% summarize(prop = survey_mean())
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4 #> stype awards prop prop_se #> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 E No 0.193 0.0318 #> 2 E Yes 0.521 0.0318 #> 3 H No 0.0829 0.00812 #> 4 H Yes 0.0390 0.00812 #> 5 M No 0.0855 0.0117 #> 6 M Yes 0.0789 0.0117
# But if you didn't interact, the sum of each stype's prop is 100% dstrata %>% group_by(stype, awards) %>% summarize(prop = survey_mean())
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4 #> # Groups: stype [3] #> stype awards prop prop_se #> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 E No 0.27 0.0446 #> 2 E Yes 0.73 0.0446 #> 3 H No 0.68 0.0666 #> 4 H Yes 0.32 0.0666 #> 5 M No 0.52 0.0714 #> 6 M Yes 0.48 0.0714